Monday, December 31, 2012

The End of 2012

Well, 2012 is almost over. We survived the Apocalypse, which I guess is good. That's pretty much the ONLY good thing I can think of that happened this year, because you know, you never hear about people's good deeds. You only hear the bad things, like the shooting in Connecticut, for example. Some things can be interpreted either way, like Obama's re-election. Personally, I see that as a bad thing. No offense to you Obama supporters out there, but I actually think he mostly got re-elected because lazy, ignorant people didn't do their research and just decided to vote for whoever was currently in office. But I'm getting a little off-subject here.

This is a list I've made of bad things that have happened this year. I didn't bother making a list of good things, because frankly, I don't think there were any, really. You can call me pessimistic or simple-minded or whatever. I don't really care.


  • WisÅ‚awa Szymborska died
  • Whitney Houston died
  • Davy Jones died
  • Dick Clark died
  • Maurice Sendak died
  • Donna Summer died
  • Ray Bradbury died
  • Sally Ride died
  • The blackouts in India
  • Neil Armstrong died
  • The attack on Benghazi and the killing of our ambassador
  • The Princess of Norway, Ragnhild Alexandra Lorentzen, died
  • Super Storm Sandy
  • Obama's re-election
  • The shooting in Connecticut
I know a lot more things have happened in 2012, both good and bad, but this is all I can really think of right now. But don't let all these depressing things get you down on New Year's Eve. Have a party, drink a little (and by that, I mean ONLY A LITTLE), and reminisce about auld lang syne, and all that. Happy New Year, everyone.


  1. Lighten up, kid. Lots of good things happened this year, although the bad kind of outweighs it, but still, you should try to think positively. And have hope for 2013! :)

  2. I never said I didn't have hope for the new year. I was simply pointing out all the bad things that have happened in 2012.
