Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 21st, 2012

December 21st is coming up. I know some of you out there may believe that the world is going to end and that you're going to die. You're probably trying to solve all your problems and pay back your debts and make up all the arguments you've had so you'll have a clean conscience when you die. That's great, and if it's what you want to do, then I support it. I just don't think it's Earth's time to die yet. Think about it. The Mayans existed in the B.C.s, and the fact that they were able to make calendars that went up to the year 2012 A.D. is pretty mind-boggling. If I were a Mayan calendar-maker, I would have given up after the first year, probably, because you know what? Carving the years and days into a stone in tiny symbols is probably very stressful and tiring, and I'll bet they just got sick of it and decided to quit in 2012. And that's fine, except we interpreted it wrong, and now a lot of us think we're going to die. If you're one of those people, I won't make fun of you or anything. I'm just saying, I think we're overreacting. And I'm pretty sure that a lot of pompous ass***** out there are going to blame the Mayans for misleading us, when really, they never claimed that we were going to die on December 21st, 2012. We just assumed that because their calendars ended. It is completely our fault, so if you wake up on December 22nd and realize you're alive, don't go around blaming the Mayans for being wrong and mis-predicting end of the world and all that. It's your own fault, and the fault of the scientists who were irrational enough to believe that Apocalypse nonsense. So yeah, all I'm trying to say is, you shouldn't worry too much about December 20th being your last night on Earth, because I'm pretty confident that it won't be. I probably got a little carried away here, so I'm going to stop now. Bye.

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