Thursday, December 6, 2012


I'm back again. I just want to say, I like stargazing. Constellations are weird. I just don't see the pictures. I mean, the Big Dipper is obvious, and the Little Dipper, too, I guess, but they don't look anything like bears, and saying Orion is a man with a belt and a sword and crap like that is just crazy. And people who create light pollution and stuff and block out the stars, you should be ashamed and switch to lower-sodium lights. There are solutions to the problems you are creating, but because of YOU, we all have to work a little bit harder. Not that there's anything wrong with work. I'm just saying.

And you people who are creeped out by the stars, know you're not the only ones. The stars creep me out, too, sometimes. They make me feel small and insignificant, but since I already concluded that I am in fact both of those things, I'm over it now. If you don't like the stars, don't block them out with your bright lights and things. Just keep your shades down and don't go outside at night.

By the way, these are just my thoughts at the moment. I hope nobody is offended by any of this, and don't be surprised if my posts are random and confusing. I'm probably ADHD, or something like that. My mind and body and stuff have to keep moving, so my brain skips around a lot. If you made it this far into the post, thank you. You have a lot of patience, and probably nothing better to do with your time. Thank you.


  1. Hi! I actually made it through to the end! JK. It was very interesting, I guess. Stars do freak me out.
    I'm probably ADHD too. I skip from subject to subject, as you can see. :)

  2. You should add more color to your next post. It looks boring right now.
