Monday, May 13, 2013

I Hate Abortion

I think abortion should be illegal in the United States. It should be illegal everywhere. Women should NOT be allowed to kill their babies, just because they were careless and got knocked up from screwing too much. It's their own fault, and they should deal with it. People shouldn't fuck unless they either take precautions or just don't mind having kids. I know some of you will say precautions don't always work, but you can just save it, because the people who fuck should know that and be prepared for an accidental pregnancy. Women should not call abortion their "right." It's different from normal women's rights. It doesn't just make them equal to or superior to men. It lets them kill babies! Innocent babies! Jesus Christ!

If abortion was banned in the United States, wealthy women would leave to get abortions elsewhere, and poor women would get them illegally by some quack and would probably lose their lives. Well, they almost deserve it, for trying to take their baby's life. I'm sure some women don't think getting an abortion is an easy decision to make, but some of them probably don't bat an eye, they just say, "Oh, did I get pregnant? Oops. I was so stoned I didn't notice until now. I'd better get an abortion." Sure, those people are unfit for parenthood, but still. They shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place!

There's something else I want to complain about, too. The abortion pill that anyone of any age can wander in and buy. They don't have to tell their parents. They can just screw, find out they're pregnant, and abort their baby without harming themselves, and their parents would never find out. That outrages me so fucking much, that a knocked-up twelve-year-old could go into a drug store, buy the miracle abortion pill without needing ID or anything, and then walk away home free. I'll say it again. Jesus Christ!

Here's another thing: Planned Parenthood. That name makes no sense at all. It makes it sound like a pleasant place, where you go to get advice when you're about to have a baby, when all it does is KILL babies! The name is deceitful, and what they do is horrid. It just makes no sense at all.

There are also some really irresponsible people who don't decide to have an abortion until they start going through labor. I'm skipping around here, I know. Just bear with me. I'm almost done.

Some doctors will perform live-birth abortions. That means they'll kill the baby while it's coming out. That's the worst of all. These abortion doctors only get in trouble if they accidentally kill the mother. They can kill the baby without punishment, that's their job. But killing the mother is a crime. That makes no sense to me. The baby is much more innocent than the mother. The baby never tried to take anybody else's life. I'll say it one more time. Jesus Christ!

Okay, I'm pretty much done now. I am a Republican, but that's not the only reason I'm pro-life. I'm pro-life because that's the right way to be. Democrats act so moral, because they support immigrants and gays and things like that, yet they publicly support abortion! That's so wrong!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, yeah, I'm done now. I know this won't change anyone's mind, but I don't care. I'm glad my opinion is out there, even if no one gives a shit about it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! So on point. But of course, those who get abortions won't stop and think just because of this. That proves how un-open-minded and ignorant people are.
