Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lazy People Piss Me Off

People are so goddamn lazy! Many people on the Internet use acronyms and abbreviations because they're too lazy to write an actual word, and many of them can't spell for shit! They don't look over what they write BEFORE posting it. If they do realize their mistakes, they just add a comment like, "Oops! I meant __! lol!" Those types of people are brainless and lazy. Some of them can't bother to capitalize the word "I"! I mean, really, people! All you do is press the "Shift" key first, and then the "I" key. It's not that hard!!!

I'm sure there are a lot of little kids, seven- or eight-year-olds, that have better spelling skills than the teenagers these days. That's actually pretty funny, in a sad kind of way.

A lot of people don't bother writing "you" anymore. They just write "U." That probably annoys me more than anything, honestly. It's just so irritating. It's such a goddamn simple word, yet I'll bet the children of the next generation won't know how to spell it because their parents forgot how. Then they'll teach their kids to use the letter "u," instead of "you," and then the original word will eventually be wiped out completely. Once, in the store, I saw a toy for toddlers that had the word "you" on it, but whoever made it only put the letter "u" on the box. That pissed me off more than I can say, more than it probably should have. Why are we teaching toddlers to use acronyms? God, that's so stupid! It enrages me! We do NOT need more lazy jerks on this planet! We need intelligent people, who will take the time to write out their "you's" and capitalize their "I's." I'm sure half of the people reading this don't know WHAT the Hell I'm going on about, and you're probably all thinking, "What is this person's problem? Who are they to tell me how to raise my kids?" For your information, I am NOT trying to do that at all. I'm not trying to dominate your life or anything. I'm just trying to make people aware of the stupidity virus that seems to be infecting everybody these days.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Acronyms I guess are fine if you have to type quickly, and it's just for yourself, but people should make an effort to type correctly when they post on the Internet.
