Monday, May 13, 2013

Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty is horrible! I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE people who abuse animals! I don't care if you're ignorant or on drugs or just in a bad mood or what, it's no excuse for your behavior! You should be ashamed! You should go to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People who abuse their pets or other people's pets are heartless, motherfucking assholes. Really, I wonder, why do people adopt pets if they're just going to beat them? The animals have no idea what they did wrong to deserve such pain and suffering. Even good people sometimes just plain neglect their pets, who end up starving and lonely. Other people beat their pets just for fun, which is really, really horrible. I just can't understand what joy they get out of it. It doesn't make sense! Those people are mentally sick and should be imprisoned!

That brings me to another issue. Animal cruelty is fucking illegal, yet the police don't do anything about it, and it happens every damn day. The people who do it usually don't get caught, which pisses me off more than I can say. The laws that ban animal cruelty should be enforced much more than they are now.

This is not just about dogs. There are cats, horses, and even birds who are being abused and neglected. There are some horse-trainers who purposely scrape away their horses' hooves, revealing the nerves, and stick nails into them so they'll walk with a special gait! The owners only do it for show, so they can win a prize. The horses don't understand it at all, and all they get is shit, while their owners win prizes and don't get punished at all. That makes me so fucking pissed, and I know that those horse owners are most certainly going to Hell, where their awards won't mean shit.

The ASPCA and other pet organizations are doing their best to prevent animal cruelty from happening. They are funded entirely by donations, and every day, they save animals from abuse. Recently, the ASPCA saved a puppy named Bentley who was kicked in the head! He had brain damage and a broken jaw. He almost died! He eventually recovered, but there are a lot of abused animals who don't. All animal abusers should go to jail and then, when they die, go to Hell! I know I'm just repeating myself here, but I don't care. I'm very, very angry. Despite what some people think, animal abuse is not a laughing matter, it's not exaggerated, it's REAL!!!!! It's very fucking real! To prove it, I'm going to provide a link to the ASPCA site, where they have Bentley's story and the story of many other abused animals: ASPCA

I know raising awareness probably won't help much, and it certainly won't stop animal abusers, but it will let people know I care, and there are other people out there who care, too.


  1. I hate the motherf***ing s***heads who do this bulls***!!!!! People who abuse animals belong in HELL!!!!!

  2. However much we selfish humans think we suffer, these poor abused animals suffer way more. They still have feelings, like us, but they have no idea what they did to deserve being beaten.

  3. You're both completely right. Thank you for being good people who would never, ever abuse an animal for any reason.
