Thursday, December 12, 2013

Even More on Animal Cruelty

I know I talk about animal cruelty a LOT, but it's a serious subject that has to be addressed. It pisses me off like Hell. Why do people get enjoyment out of hurting innocent animals? How is that possible? How can people be so twisted and horrible? It just doesn't make sense!!!!!!!!! The animals always believe they did something bad, so they try to improve, but they still get beaten by their stupid asshole owners. They don't deserve that. Why do evil people like that adopt animals in the first place? I know not all animal abusers buy pets with the intention of harming them, but it doesn't matter, since they end up doing it anyway. Some pets are chained up behind barbed-wire fences with little or no food or water. Some are beaten to death. Some probably die of loneliness. No, I'm not being over-dramatic when I say that. Some of them probably actually do. Some animals are taken in by well-meaning but neglectful owners, and they starve to death or die of loneliness, like I said before. Their owners just forget to feed them or give them water or let them out of their crates. That's not as bad as people who abuse animals on purpose, but the end result is the same. The animals, through no fault of their own, die a painful death, and the abusers get away scot-free.

Some pets, once their owners no longer consider them useful, are thrown out of cars, or locked away, out of their owners' sights, or even shot! Why can't their owners give them away to good, kind people who would care for them?

Why does God make such sick, compassion-less people? How can they hear their animals crying in pain without feeling even a little bit of guilt? How do they NOT see themselves as monsters? Do they actually believe that they're doing the right thing by kicking and whipping and bruising their pets? Does it give them pleasure, seeing their animals cower in pain and fear? Well, I believe all dogs (and other animals) do go to Heaven, or the Rainbow Bridge, or the animal equivalent of Heaven, and all animal abusers go to Hell to rot for eternity. Even then, they probably don't feel sorry for anyone but themselves, but at least they get punished in the afterlife. They hardly get punished at all in this world, and that's what really pisses me off. We should have stricter punishments for people who abuse animals. I know they have to pay fines and serve a little jail time and stuff, but I think they should be punished much more harshly. If they neglect or beat an animal to death, they should be put in jail for life, with no hope of getting out on parole. They should never be allowed to have another pet again, for as long as they live.

I'm sure you learned nothing new from this post, since I pretty much just repeated what I said in my other two posts, but I'm still glad I got to put my thoughts out there yet again, even if no one asked to hear them.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Tornadoes in Oklahoma

A few days ago, Oklahoma was struck by a horrible tornado. It was estimated to be 2 miles wide and had winds over 200 miles per hour. Entire neighborhoods were destroyed, buildings were flattened, and 24 people have been confirmed dead. At least 7 of them were schoolchildren. Most of the survivors are now homeless, their most precious possessions ruined by the tornado.

I want to offer my sincere sympathy and sorrow to the people who lost their homes and their loved ones. People are already starting to rebuild their houses and businesses, and organizations such as the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army are helping them by providing food and medical care. You can help, too, by donating to one of the following organizations:

The Red Cross

The Salvation Army


Operation USA

Save the Children

Sunday, May 19, 2013

More on Animal Cruelty


These poor animals have no idea what they did to deserve this. I know this still won't change the minds of people who abuse animals for fun, but I hope it makes good people more willing to stop animal abuse once and for all.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty is horrible! I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE people who abuse animals! I don't care if you're ignorant or on drugs or just in a bad mood or what, it's no excuse for your behavior! You should be ashamed! You should go to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People who abuse their pets or other people's pets are heartless, motherfucking assholes. Really, I wonder, why do people adopt pets if they're just going to beat them? The animals have no idea what they did wrong to deserve such pain and suffering. Even good people sometimes just plain neglect their pets, who end up starving and lonely. Other people beat their pets just for fun, which is really, really horrible. I just can't understand what joy they get out of it. It doesn't make sense! Those people are mentally sick and should be imprisoned!

That brings me to another issue. Animal cruelty is fucking illegal, yet the police don't do anything about it, and it happens every damn day. The people who do it usually don't get caught, which pisses me off more than I can say. The laws that ban animal cruelty should be enforced much more than they are now.

This is not just about dogs. There are cats, horses, and even birds who are being abused and neglected. There are some horse-trainers who purposely scrape away their horses' hooves, revealing the nerves, and stick nails into them so they'll walk with a special gait! The owners only do it for show, so they can win a prize. The horses don't understand it at all, and all they get is shit, while their owners win prizes and don't get punished at all. That makes me so fucking pissed, and I know that those horse owners are most certainly going to Hell, where their awards won't mean shit.

The ASPCA and other pet organizations are doing their best to prevent animal cruelty from happening. They are funded entirely by donations, and every day, they save animals from abuse. Recently, the ASPCA saved a puppy named Bentley who was kicked in the head! He had brain damage and a broken jaw. He almost died! He eventually recovered, but there are a lot of abused animals who don't. All animal abusers should go to jail and then, when they die, go to Hell! I know I'm just repeating myself here, but I don't care. I'm very, very angry. Despite what some people think, animal abuse is not a laughing matter, it's not exaggerated, it's REAL!!!!! It's very fucking real! To prove it, I'm going to provide a link to the ASPCA site, where they have Bentley's story and the story of many other abused animals: ASPCA

I know raising awareness probably won't help much, and it certainly won't stop animal abusers, but it will let people know I care, and there are other people out there who care, too.

I Hate Abortion

I think abortion should be illegal in the United States. It should be illegal everywhere. Women should NOT be allowed to kill their babies, just because they were careless and got knocked up from screwing too much. It's their own fault, and they should deal with it. People shouldn't fuck unless they either take precautions or just don't mind having kids. I know some of you will say precautions don't always work, but you can just save it, because the people who fuck should know that and be prepared for an accidental pregnancy. Women should not call abortion their "right." It's different from normal women's rights. It doesn't just make them equal to or superior to men. It lets them kill babies! Innocent babies! Jesus Christ!

If abortion was banned in the United States, wealthy women would leave to get abortions elsewhere, and poor women would get them illegally by some quack and would probably lose their lives. Well, they almost deserve it, for trying to take their baby's life. I'm sure some women don't think getting an abortion is an easy decision to make, but some of them probably don't bat an eye, they just say, "Oh, did I get pregnant? Oops. I was so stoned I didn't notice until now. I'd better get an abortion." Sure, those people are unfit for parenthood, but still. They shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place!

There's something else I want to complain about, too. The abortion pill that anyone of any age can wander in and buy. They don't have to tell their parents. They can just screw, find out they're pregnant, and abort their baby without harming themselves, and their parents would never find out. That outrages me so fucking much, that a knocked-up twelve-year-old could go into a drug store, buy the miracle abortion pill without needing ID or anything, and then walk away home free. I'll say it again. Jesus Christ!

Here's another thing: Planned Parenthood. That name makes no sense at all. It makes it sound like a pleasant place, where you go to get advice when you're about to have a baby, when all it does is KILL babies! The name is deceitful, and what they do is horrid. It just makes no sense at all.

There are also some really irresponsible people who don't decide to have an abortion until they start going through labor. I'm skipping around here, I know. Just bear with me. I'm almost done.

Some doctors will perform live-birth abortions. That means they'll kill the baby while it's coming out. That's the worst of all. These abortion doctors only get in trouble if they accidentally kill the mother. They can kill the baby without punishment, that's their job. But killing the mother is a crime. That makes no sense to me. The baby is much more innocent than the mother. The baby never tried to take anybody else's life. I'll say it one more time. Jesus Christ!

Okay, I'm pretty much done now. I am a Republican, but that's not the only reason I'm pro-life. I'm pro-life because that's the right way to be. Democrats act so moral, because they support immigrants and gays and things like that, yet they publicly support abortion! That's so wrong!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, yeah, I'm done now. I know this won't change anyone's mind, but I don't care. I'm glad my opinion is out there, even if no one gives a shit about it.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lazy People Piss Me Off

People are so goddamn lazy! Many people on the Internet use acronyms and abbreviations because they're too lazy to write an actual word, and many of them can't spell for shit! They don't look over what they write BEFORE posting it. If they do realize their mistakes, they just add a comment like, "Oops! I meant __! lol!" Those types of people are brainless and lazy. Some of them can't bother to capitalize the word "I"! I mean, really, people! All you do is press the "Shift" key first, and then the "I" key. It's not that hard!!!

I'm sure there are a lot of little kids, seven- or eight-year-olds, that have better spelling skills than the teenagers these days. That's actually pretty funny, in a sad kind of way.

A lot of people don't bother writing "you" anymore. They just write "U." That probably annoys me more than anything, honestly. It's just so irritating. It's such a goddamn simple word, yet I'll bet the children of the next generation won't know how to spell it because their parents forgot how. Then they'll teach their kids to use the letter "u," instead of "you," and then the original word will eventually be wiped out completely. Once, in the store, I saw a toy for toddlers that had the word "you" on it, but whoever made it only put the letter "u" on the box. That pissed me off more than I can say, more than it probably should have. Why are we teaching toddlers to use acronyms? God, that's so stupid! It enrages me! We do NOT need more lazy jerks on this planet! We need intelligent people, who will take the time to write out their "you's" and capitalize their "I's." I'm sure half of the people reading this don't know WHAT the Hell I'm going on about, and you're probably all thinking, "What is this person's problem? Who are they to tell me how to raise my kids?" For your information, I am NOT trying to do that at all. I'm not trying to dominate your life or anything. I'm just trying to make people aware of the stupidity virus that seems to be infecting everybody these days.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day, people! I know there are only a few hours of it left, and in the East Coast and other places, it's already gone, but whatever. Happy Valentine's Day, anyway. I hope you use these hours well and  spend them with the ones you love. If Valentine's Day has already passed for you, I hope it went well for you and your special someone. That's all I really have to say. Bye. Happy Valentine's Day. Again.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong did drugs. We all know it. He admitted it recently. Still, I don't think we should hate him for it. He was recovering from cancer, for God's sake. He was an inspiration to everybody, and maybe that was his sole purpose. I know it must be a huge disappointment to all of his fans, but we shouldn't be too harsh on him. The French accused him of taking drugs long ago, but I don't think they knew. I think they were just trying to be cruel because they were upset that he beat their own bicyclists in the Tour de France. Everyone who accused him of taking drugs had their lives destroyed because he was so popular, but that wasn't really his fault, I don't think. I know what you're probably thinking right now: you probably think that I was and still am a huge supporter of Lance Armstrong. I'm not. I never was. I'm only defending him now because I feel sorry for him. I believe he's truly sorry for what he did, and even though his career and reputation have been pretty much ruined, I think we should still forgive him. It's good that the truth has come out, but I don't think we should make such a big deal about it all over the news and everything. Much bigger, more important, more significant things are happening, things that affect everybody's lives. The crooked things going on in the White House, for example, and the recent recalls on smoked salmon. In the long run, those things impact us more than the fact that Lance Armstrong doped.