Monday, September 22, 2014

Things I Like

I am aware that I mostly use this blog to complain about stuff. I know I probably seem like an unlikable turd sometimes, and if you think that, that's okay. I don't like people who complain a lot, either. I just don't have that much to blog about, really, except my dislikes. I don't travel or go to exciting places, and I just find it kind of pointless to gush on and on about things that I like. There are things that I like, in case you didn't know. I could make a whole list of them right now. I just won't go into great detail. Obviously, I can't put everything I like into a short list. These are just a few things, in no particular order.

  • My family and friends
  • Books (real books. Kindles are okay,  but I prefer books.)
  • Writing (stories and songs)
  • Maps (I don't like making them, but I find looking at maps interesting).
  • Playing piano
  • The Fourth of July
  • Christmas (not just because of presents, and not because of religion. I just like it. Everything is so cheery, and my personal traditions make it special to me.)
  • Some kinds of chocolate (some taste like crap, but I won't go into that right now)
  • History
  • Astronomy
  • Video games
  • Root beer
  • Antiques
  • South Park
  • Cheesecake
I could add more, but I think I've made my point. I'm not a robot designed just to hate everything (no one ever said that. I'm just saying). I'm just like other people. I have things that I actually like, even if I don't talk about them much.

The End of Summer/The Beginning of Fall

Tomorrow is the first day of fall. Finally, finally, FINALLY! I hate summer! I know most people like it because school is out, but I have school year-round, and anyway, school's not so bad. Anyway, summer just plain sucks ass! It's so bloody hot, and there's nothing to do. Well, there's plenty to do, but the heat just saps the life out of people, so they don't feel like doing anything. I don't like swimming, so all I do is sit and wish I lived in Alaska. Seriously, I imagine summers are much better there. I know people in Alaska get SAD because of the wintery weather all year, but I think it would be fine in summer. I wouldn't live there all year, but the summers there are probably nice.

Also, I just like fall better than summer, not just because I hate summer. Fall is the best season. We have weather that's not horribly cold, but it's cool and fresh. I don't mind setting the clocks back an hour. Some people really mind, for some reason, but not me. I don't mind shorter days. I think changing the time at all is kind of stupid, and we should stop this spring-forward-fall-back nonsense, and just never go onto Daylight Savings Time. Really, what do we need it for nowadays?

In fall, we have Halloween (I don't trick-or-treat anymore, but I still like Halloween), Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Those are all nice holidays. The only memorable holiday in summer is the Fourth of July. Not that it's not a nice holiday, it is, but it's the only good one in summer. So, yeah. I think fall is a better season, because summer is just crappy, because it's so hot and no one gets anything done, and fall has nice weather and nice holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.