Thursday, December 12, 2013

Even More on Animal Cruelty

I know I talk about animal cruelty a LOT, but it's a serious subject that has to be addressed. It pisses me off like Hell. Why do people get enjoyment out of hurting innocent animals? How is that possible? How can people be so twisted and horrible? It just doesn't make sense!!!!!!!!! The animals always believe they did something bad, so they try to improve, but they still get beaten by their stupid asshole owners. They don't deserve that. Why do evil people like that adopt animals in the first place? I know not all animal abusers buy pets with the intention of harming them, but it doesn't matter, since they end up doing it anyway. Some pets are chained up behind barbed-wire fences with little or no food or water. Some are beaten to death. Some probably die of loneliness. No, I'm not being over-dramatic when I say that. Some of them probably actually do. Some animals are taken in by well-meaning but neglectful owners, and they starve to death or die of loneliness, like I said before. Their owners just forget to feed them or give them water or let them out of their crates. That's not as bad as people who abuse animals on purpose, but the end result is the same. The animals, through no fault of their own, die a painful death, and the abusers get away scot-free.

Some pets, once their owners no longer consider them useful, are thrown out of cars, or locked away, out of their owners' sights, or even shot! Why can't their owners give them away to good, kind people who would care for them?

Why does God make such sick, compassion-less people? How can they hear their animals crying in pain without feeling even a little bit of guilt? How do they NOT see themselves as monsters? Do they actually believe that they're doing the right thing by kicking and whipping and bruising their pets? Does it give them pleasure, seeing their animals cower in pain and fear? Well, I believe all dogs (and other animals) do go to Heaven, or the Rainbow Bridge, or the animal equivalent of Heaven, and all animal abusers go to Hell to rot for eternity. Even then, they probably don't feel sorry for anyone but themselves, but at least they get punished in the afterlife. They hardly get punished at all in this world, and that's what really pisses me off. We should have stricter punishments for people who abuse animals. I know they have to pay fines and serve a little jail time and stuff, but I think they should be punished much more harshly. If they neglect or beat an animal to death, they should be put in jail for life, with no hope of getting out on parole. They should never be allowed to have another pet again, for as long as they live.

I'm sure you learned nothing new from this post, since I pretty much just repeated what I said in my other two posts, but I'm still glad I got to put my thoughts out there yet again, even if no one asked to hear them.